Multiple Dystrophy question....

Paul Nichol pauln at unknown.sqf.hp.com
Thu Dec 12 03:39:17 EST 1996

Dean Mao (mao at wuchem.wustl.edu) wrote:
: I'm doing a research paper on adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) and was
: wondering where (on the internet or books) I could find some
: information about this inherited disease.  I would like some info
: about the recent research with other animals, myelin sheath
: regeneration, etc.

: BTW, how is lorenzo's oil created?  It has 80% Glycerol Trierucate oil
: and 20% glycerol trioleate.

: Thanks!!  email and post if possible.

:                                       ___   __  __
: | "You can pick your friends, and  | (   \ (  \/  )   mao at wuchem.wustl.edu |
: |  you can pick your nose; but you |  ) ) ) )    (                         |
: |  can't pick your friend's nose." | (___/ (_/\/\_)       (Dean Mao)       |
: '--------------------------------------------------------------------------'

Take a look at www.myelin.org. The President is Augusto Odone the father of
Lorenzo as in "Lorenzo's oil"


Paul Nichol                           Phone : +44-131-335-7457       +
Hewlett-Packard                       FAX   : +44-131-335-7322/7718  +
Queensferry Microwave Division        Telnet: 313-5457		     +
Product Support Dept                  UNIX: pauln at hpsqf.sqf.hp.com   +
                                      HPDesk: Paul Nichol /HPE600/UM +
CC MAIL: PAUL_NICHOL at HP-UnitedKingdom-om3.om.hp.com 		     +
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