SG wrote:
>> Christopher Hatton wrote:
> >
> > Joel Maddigan wrote:
> > >
> > > I need help finding information on bse.
> > > Please help
> >
> > Oh dear, here we go again, I have a few websites, but I'd appreciate it
> > if you were more decriptive and said why you want it, you know manners
> > and being polite and all that.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Chris Hatton
>> Come on, Chris, keep your patronising tone
> (if this is your manner of politeness)
>> Here is an excellent site on BSE:
>>>> Sergei
I'm all embarressed now Sergei and apologise (seriously), so I'll post
a few.
(it just that MANY people don't put why they want it, esp. students
wanting us to do their work for them).
I've found these two particulary useful
The latter has a huge collection and other links.
Christopher Hatton
Is life just a game where we make up the rules while we are searching
for something to say, or are we just simply spirals of self replicating
(Monty Python- from the meaning of life).
Please note that the above views are my own and not (just) those of the