NT2 cell lines again

David Cassarino dsc9w at avery.med.Virginia.EDU
Wed Dec 11 09:46:07 EST 1996

David Sokal  writes:
> Thanks to everyone who has already helped me with these cells, but I
> wonder is there anyone else out there who can tell me about these cell
> lines, especially with regards to the following:
> 		i) methods for differentiation
> 	       ii) synapse formation after differentiation
> 	      iii) where I can get some for free, since my grant is very
> 		   limited.
> Thanks very much
> Dave Sokal
> ===============================================================================
> David Sokal
> Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology
> Medical School			Telephone: +44 (0)115 924 9924 xtn 42717
> University of Nottingham	Fax:	   +44 (0)115 970 9732	
> Clifton Boulevard		Email:maxsok at unix.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk
> Nottingham, NG7 2UH
> UK
> ===============================================================================

I know that you can differentiate NT2s with retinoic acid
(RA).  5 weeks of 10micrograms/ml RA seems to work (Pleasure et al,
J. Neurosci. Res. 35, 585-602, 1993).
We bought our NT2s from Stratagene...

While we're on the topic of NT2s, do you or anyone else know if
these cells express catalase?  I would suspect they do, but
have been having trouble detecting any in my assays.

David S. Cassarino              "I wanted to live deep and suck out the 
MSTP, Neuroscience                 marrow of life...if it were sublime  
UVA School of Medicine               to know it by experience."
dsc9w at virginia.edu                                          -Thoreau

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