Jared Blackburn (blackjar at planetc.com) wrote:
: I been told that Anit-Psychotic and Anti-Depressants have been given to
: Autisc people wiht listtle affect -- I'm really not surprized. But given the
: common neural over arousal and the effacy of benzodiazapenes in treating
: various catatonic state (which have many features simmilar to those found in
: severly autistic individuals), have they ever been tried with autism? If
: so, was it helpful? Is there any reason to suspect that it would not work?
: I'm not suggesting this as a means of control, but of releif. (In the case
: of high-fuctioning individuals, voluntary only.)
: Jared.
While gathering info for a paper about an entirely different aspect of autism, I came across a reference that might interest you.
Garreau, B., Herry, D., et al
Theoretical aspects of the study of benzodiazepine receptors in
infantile autism.
Acta Paedopsychiatrica. 56(2): 133-8, 1993
It's a review article citing 57 references. (I have not read it, however.)
Martha Cichelli
Temple University
Neurobehavior Lab