HELP: info and references on spinal injuries

Simone Borghesi simone at math.nwu.edu
Tue Dec 10 22:22:32 EST 1996

I am writing on behalf of a family that had a son severely injuried in
the spinal columnn, a couple of years ago, and now is paralized 
from the neck below. They would like to get involved and updated on
the foremost and most updated techniques employed to partially
recover, in similar cases, the use of the body; for instance they
mentioned to me about an implant of integrated circuits that, by
electrostimulation, enable the patient to locally implement certain 

I would like to know if there are reviews, magazines or references 
devoted to these subjects, that i can advise them to read.

Also, what are the institutions that are most involved in this kind of

thanks for your help

Simone Borghesi
(simone at math.nwu.edu)

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