Rate of diffusion in brain

Matt Fraser mof at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu
Mon Dec 9 20:26:09 EST 1996

On 4 Dec 1996, William Barnes wrote:

> Hello,
> 	I have been infusing solid drugs into the brain and have been having a
> hard time controlling the rate of diffusion of the drug through brain
> tissue.  Does anyone have any comments to offer in this regard?  Thanks.
> 			William Barnes

What do you mean "infusing solid drugs"?  If you are depositing pellets,
there are a variety of binders that may be helpful to slow diffusion.
It's important to consider the solubility properties of the drugs - are
they lipophilic?  Is there any way to covalently bind them to larger
molecules without altering their effects? By controllin, do you mean
that there is a lot of variability, or you'd prefer them to act only
locally?  Are co-administering an inert marker with like solubility that
might allow you to "guestimate" the areas of diffusion? Would looking at
shorter exposure times help?

Just some thoughts,



Matt Fraser                        "Hey, You! Don't help them 
                                       To bury the Light.
mof at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu               Don't give in
mattf+ at pitt.edu                         Without a Fight."

                                           Pink Floyd

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