nt2 / hnt2 cell question

Lyngine Calizo lcalizo at mail.med.upenn.edu
Mon Dec 9 18:33:17 EST 1996

you don't HAVE to use opti-mem. the lab that developed the cell line 
didn't use optimem at first either, but they found that it worked 
better than the medium they were previously using. look up the nt2n 
papers by virginial lee (v.m.y. lee) and see what they use.

slavemaster (un691cs at genius.embnet.dkfz-heidelberg.de) 
wrote: : We are using NT-2 cells which can differntiate into
: neuron-like hNT-2 cells with retionic acid.
: I noted that the medium: opti-mem is 3-fold
: more expensive than the medium we currently use
: for (primary) cellcultures.
: Does one actually HAVE to use opt-mem ?
: Anybody out there using NT-2 cells as well ?

: clemens
: Anat3
: Heidelberg

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