source for kappa-Bgt?

Matt Fraser mof at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu
Mon Dec 9 19:59:31 EST 1996

On 9 Dec 1996, David Fickbohm wrote:

> I'm interested in buying kappa-bungarotoxin (also known as neuronal
> bungaroxtoxin). Is there a commercial source for it? If so, what is the
> phone number or web address?
> Thanks, Dave Fickbohm (Tufts University, Biology Dept)


There is no commercial source for it that I know of that can guarantee
purity, which is essential.  There's a snake farm in Florida, but
their prep is of questionable purity.  There is a fellow named Greg Grant
in Missouri who has cloned the gene and can now produce it in yeast.  It
takes a lot of E. coli to make enough for one of my in vivo rat
experiments (I've tried, about a month's worth of work), but that's
another avenue to try if you prefer E. coli.  If you contact him,
he may send you the constructs for either (as part of a collaborative
effort). The yeast stuff works great for me!



Matt Fraser                        "Hey, You! Don't help them 
                                       To bury the Light.
mof at prophet.pharm.pitt.edu               Don't give in
mattf+ at pitt.edu                         Without a Fight."

                                           Pink Floyd

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