On Sun, 08 Dec 1996 03:19:36 GMT, skg at asis.com (Steve Gill) wrote:
>On Mon, 02 Dec 1996 01:21:20 GMT, Cyrano at beehive.twics.com (Claude de
>Contrecoeur) wrote:
>>A fast acting novel atypical anti-depressant.
>>Claude de Contrecoeur has sent me a copy of your message to him and
>>if I could send you a reply. I have personally used GHB many times, I
>>started after reading Claude's article somewhat over a year ago.
>>>>I was SERIOUSLY depressed, at this time I was taking:
>>>>50mg Thioridazine (Neuroleptic)
>>40mg Paxil/Deroxat (SSRI) - paroxetine -
>>75mg Anafranil (TCA) - clomipramine -
>>60mg Tranxene (Benzodiazepine) - chlorazepate -
>>>>This rather-extreme combination of meds was TOTALLY ineffective, as
>>often says my emotions were dulled-out a bit, but nothing more. The
>>Neuroleptics had no positive effects, just side effects. The Tranxene
>>was helping, but then it's an addictive substance and 60mg/day is
>>quite a lot.
>>>>I took GHB for about two weeks, at first I wasn't THAT impressed, of
>>course I felt better but then any drug does that. I noticed that my
>>condition was really IMPROVED after a couple of days, the depression
>>was just gone. This effect lasted a week after stopping the GHB, then
>>the depression came back (as I had no more supply of GHB).
>>>>Now I'm feeling better but still have some crisis from time to time,
>>GHB still alleviates the depression better than ANYTHING else I know.
>>Beside those prescription drugs I have also tried quite anything you
>>can get on the black-market, and none of these drugs is really an
>>"antidepressant", but GHB is!
>>>>>I mean, if gamma-OH is really the "fastest and most effective
>>>anti-depressant to date", then why isn't it's use spreading like
>>>wild-fire. Oh, I know, Doctors don't want to prescribe it...
>>One of the problems with GHB and other "orphan drugs" is that even if
>new applications are found, the non-patentable status of the compound
>assures that little money will be spent on clinical research due to
>the low profit potential of the medication.
Yes and THIS is a big problem...in a money oriented society.
>A possible mechanism in the observed antidepressant effects of GHB is
>a kind of dopamine or norepinephrine rebound - turnover of these
>neurotransmitters increases as the ghb wears off.
There is something dopaminergic but it is very mild.
The main effet of GHB on dopamine neurons is regularising firing
activity through a GABA B agonist effect.
I've personally
>observed a rebound effect (increased alertness or vigilance) after GHB
>wears off that feels distinctly like mild DA
Yes and this seems to be due to dopamine.
I saw some similarities between GHB and Nomifensine on that point.
or NE stimulation. In the
>long run, such increases could improve mood and decrease depression.
Hmmm.I doubt it because the psychotropic effects of GHB and
Amineptine,a selective dopamine reuptake inhibitor are completelly
Also nothing in common with the selective noradrenaline reuptake
inhibitor Viloxazine.
>Similarly, some people respond well to 5-hydroxytryptophan instead of
>SSRI's - in the case of GHB however, one would want to be careful of
>potential (mild) addiction.