Ron Blue (rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU) wrote:
: Not a problem to me personally. In AD 1 you were luckly to live to 21.
: In 1776 you were luckly to live to 36. In 1910 you were luckly to live
: to 59. In 1996 you were luckly to live to 76. In 2050 you were luckly to
: live to 145.
: I prefer more not less years. Ron Blue
I recently read a paper (can't recall where) that stated quite a bit longer
average life spans for all but the 1910 and 1996... but previously I had
thought that the spans you just stated were correct (from yet a different
source long lost in memory), which has left me somewhat confused... Would
you point me to your source for the life spans so I can clear up my
Much thanks,
Tom M.
fstmm at