Product Introduction (Intelligent Robotics)

Lee Kent Hempfling lkh at cei.net
Mon Dec 9 15:32:04 EST 1996

Introducing Little Ricci 2. Model LR2 is the
world's first limited production, intelligent,
non-computer based, CORE Processing, autonomous
NOID. With visual inputs (non-video) and two
parallel IN parallel quantum processors the LR2
has been designed to provide a real-time
operating model for research, evaluation and
just plain curiosity. The LR2 comes fully
assembled and ready for learning. It has no
programming so it needs no expertise to
operate. In fact, it operates on its own. The
LR2 is provided in a unique way: To find out
more contact NTCE Ltd. by the
Contact Form on line, or write to NTCE Ltd. The
LR2 is offered by NTCE Ltd., UK and is subject to
restrictions available upon request. 

access on line info at:


  1.Two Parallel IN Parallel Quantum wave computation processors
     Each using CORE Technology (Patent Pending)which provide a Ratio
     Enhanced memory process in excess (28:1) of input sample rate
     With split input relational to (3) three memory pathways each.
  2.Quasi-Holographic, non-video, vision receptors (Patent Pending)
  3.Neutronics Dynamic System inverted wave protocol (Patent Pending)
     The Non-Current Operating System
  4.Autonomous Machine Learning without programming.(Patent Pending)
  5.Intelligence Architecture provides the machine control of its
     motions.(Patent Pending)
  6.Dual tread tractor drive with independent CORE (Patent Pending)
  7.STRING memory. NDS CORE Technology (Patent Pending) has been     
     greatly enhanced in this second generation machine with the  
     addition of STRING memory. String memory is one continuous   
     verticle memory stack that is compacted and formed to fit the
     interior dimensions of the noid. Hardware, circuit boards and 
     cables are eliminated.
  8.Base model comes with three minutes of String memory for each     
     IN Parallel split processing pathway giving the overall machine a
     total of 18 minutes of fluid memory. (Patent Pending)(*See memory
     instructions on line graphics of CORE also presented)
  9.Case is light gray fiberglas with all component parts shock 
     mounted for all terrain movement. The noid is moisture protected 
     and ready for learning right out of the crate.
 10.LR2 is shipped via ground motor carrier (too heavy for 
     UPS)complete with instruction manual and a certificate
     for a free copy of The Enticy Papers.
 11.All batteries are included: -1- 9V battery provides the NDS system
     (Patent Pending), -2- 6 volt high cranking amperage batteries 
     provide motor control and interface power.
 12.Motor batteries are rechargable (charger included). The NDS power 
      cell is sealed.
Lee Kent Hempfling...................|lkh at cei.net
chairman, ceo........................|http://www.aston.ac.uk/~batong/Neutronics/
Neutronics Technologies Corporation..|West Midlands, UK; Arkansas, USA.

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