Cytochrome oxidase

Greg S. Fraley gsfraley at vetmed.wsu.edu
Mon Dec 9 13:21:29 EST 1996

On Mon, 9 Dec 1996 brian at pet.upmc.edu wrote:

> Can anyone point me to a reference that can confirm the activity of
> an oxidizing enzyme like Cytochrome p450 in brain tissue?  I have found a
> reference which has shown that catalase and peroxides from glucose
> oxidase.  I am not convinced that the oxidative regeneration of a
> ketone reduced metabolite occurs within brain tissue.  I would greatly
> appreciate any attempts to convince me....
> Brian Lopresti
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It sure does.  I've used cytochrome oxidase stazining in brain many times
and it works great.  I've done it in both sensory areas as well as
non-sensory areas (eg, hypothalamus).  One of the original references is:
  Wong-Riley, MTT (1979)...Brain Research 171:  11-28.

Good luck!

Gregory S. Fraley                                 "They say there's no
Washington State University                          devil, Jim, but there
College of Veterinary Medicine                         is..."
Center for Neuroscience                
Department of Veterinary and Comparative
      Anatomy, Pharmacology and Physiology
Pullman, WA  99164-6520

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