"Dunn" phone number/address

Holger Bohnemeier bohnemeier at ukbf.fu-berlin.de
Mon Dec 9 08:08:58 EST 1996

In article <borisoff-0612961153110001 at steevlab.generes.ca>, borisoff at zoology.ubc.ca says...
>I am looking for the phone number of what I assume to be a
>reagent/research equipment supplier named "Dunn". I saw the name quoted as
>a supplier of Matrigel in a Neuron article.
>Dave Pataky
>Dept of Zoology, UBC
>pataky at bcu.ubc.ca

I know a company named Dunn located in germany. We used to get PCR tubes
from them:

Dunn Labortechnik GmbH
Thelenberg 6
53567 Asbach
Tel. +49-2683-43094
Fax  +49-2683-42776
This information is from 1995. I hope it is still correct and may help.

                               Holger Bohnemeier
___           ___     Department of Clinical Pharmacology
\  \ +-----+ /  /    University Hospital Benjamin Franklin
 \  \| O O |/  /          Free University of Berlin
  |           |               Hindenburgdamm 30
 /  /| O O |\  \             12200 Berlin GERMANY
/__/ +-----+ \__\  phon: +49-30-8445-2289, fax: +49-30-8445-4482
                       e-mail: bohnemeier at ukbf.fu-berlin.de

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