Help!! I need advice. I might be having blanks.

Ron Blue rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU
Mon Dec 9 09:52:56 EST 1996

> On 8 Dec 1996, Sit Ubu sit!! (Good dog) wrote:
> > Hi, I'm a student at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.
> >    I have always wondered whether I might have something wrong:
> > Whenever I'm in class or tired,  I experience extremely brief
> > periods of discontinuity.  
> <snip>
> >      I recently found out that a cousin of mine, a young girl,
> > has a problem in which she experiences lapses, her eyes go blank
> > and time stops for her during that time.  The only thing is that while
> > hers last about half a second, mine probably last less.  She takes
> > medication.
Discontinuity may also be normal.  For example if my memory is correct
23% of the people report a lost of visual field when thinking heavily 
with the visual field turning BLACK.  46% report a graying of the
visual field.  So you may be reporting this effect.  Sorry I do not
remember my sources.  Ron Blue

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