Help!! I need advice. I might be having blanks.

Bill Skinner bskinner at daknet.com
Mon Dec 9 09:48:28 EST 1996

Sit Ubu sit!! (Good dog) wrote:
> Hi, I'm a student at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.
>    I have always wondered whether I might have something wrong:
> Whenever I'm in class or tired,  I experience extremely brief
> periods of discontinuity.  Sort of like the teacher is talking about
> something and then suddenly is at the end of his sentence.  I
> always thought that it was probably because I was tired or I
> was daydreaming- however- I couldn't remember what I could have
> been daydreaming/thinking about.
>      I have always had this feeling as far as I can remember- but
> simply ascribed it to daydreaming.
>      I recently found out that a cousin of mine, a young girl,
> has a problem in which she experiences lapses, her eyes go blank
> and time stops for her during that time.  The only thing is that while
> hers last about half a second, mine probably last less.  She takes
> medication.
>      This happens less when I am hyper or alert.
> Anyone have any idea what it could be?  So far, no one has noticed it
> except for me.  Could it simply be daydreaming?  Is it natural?
> Maybe I'm not paying enough attention...
> If you can help, please email me at w9mk at musicb.mcgill.ca immediately.
> Thanks.
> Miguel Frias, 21 years old, Languages and Literature
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Some people always seem to know the answer.  I'm willing to admit that I
> don't even know the question.

Although you may very well have a problem with your sleep, I suggest
that you seek counsel with a physician as these "lapses" may have a
physical (neurological) foundation. There are siezure disorders that
manifest themselves with symptoms similar to yours.  Don't Panic!  Just
check it out...it may be nothing.

Bill Skinner

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