Suspended Animation Project

Richard Kerr kerrr at CRYPTIC.RCH.UNIMELB.EDU.AU
Sun Dec 8 21:02:17 EST 1996

At 05:11 5/12/96 -0800, you wrote:
>> >Why not spend your time searching for the fountain of youth ?
>> >Richard Kerr.
>If you drank from a well with a bacteria that produced hydrogen
>gas rather than methane in your gut, then you would have
>drank from a fountain of youth.  The hydrogen acts as an
>anti-oxidant.  It makes you feel happy also.  Ron Blue
Hi Ron and Yuri,

Does this mean that if I was youthful, then I would also be happy?
If the bacteria from methane in my gut, does this mean that I had taken a
draught from the "fountain of cow" ?

seriously, i do not want the fountain of youth....eternal youth would be a
burden that I would not want.  You could never draw a line under anything
and say "that's it, next part".  I think that yuri took my little joke and
made it serious.  I'll remember to put a " >:-)" there next time.
Richard Kerr.
The Murdoch Institute,
R.C.H. Flemington Rd, Parkville, 3052,
kerrr at cryptic.rch.unimelb.edu.au
Phone (61) 3 9345 5045.

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