Help!! I need advice. I might be having blanks.

Joseph T. Ho jtho at neuron.neurosurgery.washington.edu
Sun Dec 8 14:40:52 EST 1996

Have you seen your physician?  Ask their opinion, it sounds like it could be a
form of epilepsy.There is such a thing called absence seizure, which is a
loss of consciousness during petit mal seizures.  A passage from
Principles of Neuroscience:

Petit mal seizures, which begin during childhood, are accompanied by a
transient loss of consciousness (absence seizure).  The EEG during petit mal
seizures shows a three-cycle-per second generalized spike-wave discharge.
Petit mal seizures interrupt perception, cognition, and memory, but such
functions return almost immediately when the seizure stops.  Muscle tone is
maintained so that patients rarely fall.

Again, you should go see your physician...probably a neurologist would be

- Joe

Sit Ubu sit!! (Good dog) (W9MK000 at MUSICB.MCGILL.CA) wrote:
: Hi, I'm a student at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.
:    I have always wondered whether I might have something wrong:
: Whenever I'm in class or tired,  I experience extremely brief
: periods of discontinuity.  Sort of like the teacher is talking about
: something and then suddenly is at the end of his sentence.  I
: always thought that it was probably because I was tired or I
: was daydreaming- however- I couldn't remember what I could have
: been daydreaming/thinking about.
:      I have always had this feeling as far as I can remember- but
: simply ascribed it to daydreaming.
:      I recently found out that a cousin of mine, a young girl,
: has a problem in which she experiences lapses, her eyes go blank
: and time stops for her during that time.  The only thing is that while
: hers last about half a second, mine probably last less.  She takes
: medication.
:      This happens less when I am hyper or alert.
: Anyone have any idea what it could be?  So far, no one has noticed it
: except for me.  Could it simply be daydreaming?  Is it natural?
: Maybe I'm not paying enough attention...

: If you can help, please email me at w9mk at musicb.mcgill.ca immediately.

: Thanks.

: Miguel Frias, 21 years old, Languages and Literature

: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Some people always seem to know the answer.  I'm willing to admit that I
: don't even know the question.

Joseph T. Ho, MS I                                     jtho at u.washington.edu
School of Medicine                                  University of Washington

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