NYU student needs INTERNET help

James Lankford James_E_L at msn.com
Sat Dec 7 05:57:51 EST 1996

As a homework assignment I was assigned the following INTERNET problem.
Of course getting the answer correct is important, but the goal is to 
test our research ability on the internet.

Our teacher said the answer to this question is on the intenet.  Find 
the answer and tell how you found it.  So please don't anyone tell me 
to read the book, study harder or anything else, PLEASE.

The answer has to come off the internet and I just can't find it.

The question is
You are in the Brooklyn Botanical Rose Garden and are smelling the 
roses.  You reach out to pull a rose closer and suddenly feel a pain 
in your index finger and withdraw your hand as you say, "ouch"!  
Wanting to see if tn=he skin is broken you turn your hand over and 
raise your foreman to look at it.  
Trace the nerve pathways and synapses, what areas of the brain are 
stimulated and the pathways and the responses you make, not 
forgetting the beautiful work of the cerebellum.  

I've tried Excite, InfoSeek and Magellan.  I've been to ftp sites, 
bio databases nad libraries.  I have no idea where else to look.
Anybody have any idesa?

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