Hej (danish version of hi)
Keep an eye on my homepage under the section THEORY.
When this weekend is over I will have posted a lot of very nice ActiveX
programs, that you
can run if you use Internet Explorer 3.0 final release (or later).
The programs that I will post here is :
ActiveX title Description
Nernst Calculates Nerst potential interactively. Adjust z, T, conc out and
conc in.
GHK Calculate membrane potentials with the GHK equation for 4 ions.
Dilute Calculates volume off stock solution ot add to your final solution
to obtain a given conc.
Stock Calculates amount of chemical that you need to add to create a
certain stock solution,
some chemicals in the database.
Lars Thomsen, M.Sc. PhD.
115 South Oval, Hamilton, ON Canada L8S1R2
Email lthomsen at interlynx.nethttp://home.interlynx.net/~lthomsen/index.htm