Post-doctoral position available: GLUTAMATE Receptors

Aldo Rustioni rustioni at med.unc.edu
Fri Dec 6 10:29:56 EST 1996

Post-doctoral position available to study spinal cord mechanisms with 
state-of-the-art methods. Special emphasis of the research project is 
on the role of glutamate receptors in defining the functional 
properties of sensory input from different primary afferent nerve 
fibers. The effects of various pain models, e.g. nerve section, 
chronic constriction injury, cutaneous inflammation and tumor necrosis 
factor, on glutamate receptors in the spinal cord will be also studied 
using immunocytochemistry and  postembedding colloidal gold at the 
light and electron microscopic level.  Send C.V. and name of 
references to  Aldo Rustioni, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 275199. 
Telephone: 919-9661277. Fax: 919-9661856. E.mail: 
rustioni at med.unc.edu.

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