Rate of diffusion in brain

Jim Hutchins hutchins at fiona.umsmed.edu
Thu Dec 5 23:49:00 EST 1996

On 4 Dec 1996 19:00:02 GMT, William Barnes (lizer at acs.bu.edu) wrote:
: Hello,
: 	I have been infusing solid drugs into the brain and have been having a
: hard time controlling the rate of diffusion of the drug through brain
: tissue.  Does anyone have any comments to offer in this regard?  Thanks.
: 			William Barnes

: lizer at acs.bu.edu

I have a vague recollection of mixing tracers with polyornithine for
extracellular injection.  The polyornithine was supposed to increase the
viscosity of the injection bolus and thereby control diffusion of tracer.
I would think something like dextran or polyvinylpyrrolidone might work
the same, but have no idea about the toxicity or osmotic effects.

Maybe someone else on the list has a protocol, or you can search Medline
(I'm thinking mid-1980s) for a published procedure.

Jim Hutchins
Assoc Prof Anatomy, Asst Prof Neurology (Research), Univ Mississippi Med Ctr
http://fiona.umsmed.edu/~hutchins/    ***    E-mail:   hutchins at umsmed.edu
``Battles between academics are so bitter because so little is at stake.'' 
  Robert Maynard Hutchins [no relation]

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