Jurgen Hens <jhens at ruca.ua.ac.be> wrote:
>One of the subjects of my research is to trace neurons with the
>fluorescent dye DiI. I would like to do this by precipitation of DiI
>onto glass beads (75µm), which subsequently are applied onto the neurons
>of interest. My question is the following: does anyone have some
>suggestions how I can precipitate different layers of DiI crystals onto
>one glass bead?
Try directly applying a crystal with a tungsten micro electrode. Its
much finer than applying it with a glass bead. If you want to apply
different Di crytal types then simply repeat for each crystal type.
If this is no good I have read an article where the authors applied Di
crystals using a glass microelectrode encrusted with crystals. They
simply broke the laden tip when in the correct position and left it
there. Doesn't sound very "atraumatic" but there it is!
Liam ~:^)
liamgray at interalpha.co.uk