ULTRAMED, INC, has a ZEISS Model OPMI-1 operating microscope
that is surplus to our needs. The scope is configured with
an inclined binocular. Eyepieces are (10X). There is a magnification
selector that provides variable mag's. of 6X, 10X, 16X, 25X and 40X.
The objective is 200mm. There is an additional outboard binocular
microscope (fixed magnification approx. 10X) with a 300mm objective.
There is a ZEISS slit lamp attached for use in opthalmic app's. The
OPMI-1 is an industry standard for ENT and many other applications.
This scope is mounted on the low profile stand and measures 69"
Specifications above are believed accurate but are not guaranteed.
The scope is believed to be in very good to excellent condition
and should be ideal for many neuro applications in the animal
sciences. PRICE and TERMS: $4,600.00 AS IS, F.O.B. our facility in
Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Offered subject to prior sale.
Gil Groehn, General Managert
ac 313 884-1139
email: ultramed at ix.netcom.com -or- ad408 at detroit.freenet.org