Press Release demanding recall of NutraSweet/with support list for recall/attachment. (fwd)

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Thu Dec 5 17:17:57 EST 1996

Dear Group:  Here is the recall for aspartame with a list of doctors and
organizations the world over who support this recall.  You might like to
refer it to press in your city.  I have another release for magazines that
gives some background material I will also put on the list.

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From: Eva T S Jones <etsj19 at mail.idt.net>
Subject: Press Release
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 00:35:18 -0800
Size: 2969
Url: http://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/bionet/mm/neur-sci/attachments/19961205/1e0729a8/attachment.txt

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