palidotomy microrecording equipment

condonj at ohsu.edu condonj at ohsu.edu
Wed Dec 4 20:42:26 EST 1996

Introducing the Proto-tech microrecording suite.

To add micro-recording capability to your stereotaxic frame, look no further. 
Developed in conjunction with the neurosurgery team at O.H.S.U., the 
Proto-tech suite offers:

A precise hydraulic microdrive accurate to 1 micron.

A custom lightweight adapter to attach the microdrive cylinder to the upright 
on a Leksell frame or to an optional upright designed for the CRW frame.

A set of microfine electrodes and special telescoping canula.

A unique set of delrin stoppers and spacers.

Already in use in three major institutions, the Proto-tech suite is designed 
by engineers to easily and affordably equip you with microrecording 
capability. See the components at http\\www.arachnet.com\~favrejac.  Contact 
us for more information.

John Condon
(503) 494-8696
email: condonj at ohsu.edu

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