Cortical Ckts Postdoc

Daniel J. Simons cortex+ at pitt.edu
Thu Dec 5 11:27:06 EST 1996

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to join ongoing
research program investigating neuronal networks in the rodent
somatosensory system. Single-unit, multiple microelectrode recordings
and cross-correlation techniques, combined with computer simulations,
will be used to examine the organization of thalamocortical and
corticocortical circuitry in the whisker/barrel cortex in vivo.
Electrophysiological experience required. Strong background in
quantitative data analysis and/or mathematical modeling highly
desirable. Please send curriculum vitae, names of references, and
statement of research experience to:

Dr. Daniel J. Simons
Department of Neurobiology
E1440 Biomedical Science Tower
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

email: cortex at vms.cis.pitt.edu

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