Sex differences of the Brain

ULISSES ulisses at berlin.snafu.de
Tue Dec 3 06:46:09 EST 1996

"Steve Kolb" <skolb at treko.net.au> wrote:

>In their book  "BrainSex" , Anne Moir and David Jessel  showed that mens
>and womens brains  in fact are differant, basing  their  information on
>research done by many scientists around the world. 
>Any information on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
>			          Steve Kolb
In my dusty archieve I found an article about this subjekt:

"Gray Matters - New technologies that catch the mind in the very act
of thinking show how men and women use their brains differently"
by   Sharon Begley  
in   Newsweek Magazine, March 27, 1995, Page 42 

´hope this helps,  -ULISSES-

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