Clinical trials resources

ECHO Strategies Group echostrt at pipeline.com
Wed Dec 4 16:22:06 EST 1996

Physicians and investigators:

As you know, half the battle of participation in clinical trials is
getting your program in front of companies as they release new
research dollars. To view the latest news in who is doing clinical
trials, visit Avicenna Online Medical Information at:


and visit the Clinical Trials section.

You can enter your research profile into the SmartSearch (TM)
investigator database. This section also has links to additional
Clinical Trial Resources including:

AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS)
Brain Tumor Clinical Trials
CenterWatch ,
and Sterling Clinical Resources.

(Please note: these sites are for RESEARCHERS ONLY, not for
individuals seeking inclusion as subjects/participants)

While you are at the site, be sure to visit the rest of the site and
take advantage of their other free services such as the Clinical
Outlines, Free Medline (not as busy as MedScape(TM)), and the
MediQual(TM) Outcomes Database.

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