*** Surplus Research Equipment Available ***

Stephen stepsti at pilot.infi.net
Wed Dec 4 18:11:00 EST 1996

Gilbert T. Groehn wrote:
>                 ****NOTICE****
> ULTRAMED, INC. has a long list of equipment that is surplus
> to our needs.    This is all top quality equipment from major
> manufacturers and has been used in research and/or clinical
> applications.
> Items include CARDIOLOGY equipment, EKG's, patient monitors,
> stress test systems, ULTRASOUND equipment, echocardiography
> equipment, pulse oximeters, non-invasive blood pressure
> monitors, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT including, centrifuges, PH
> meters, and microscopes.  An A.O. "Microstar" Ten-Twenty
> microscope set up for Pathology and other microscopes, Ultra-
> Microtomes, An EATON G-7000 Stress test system with treadmill,
> An exceptional value is our SHIMADZU Model SDU-700 ultrasound
> system set up for echocardiography and general purpose
> scanning.  It comes with a 3.5 Mhz and 2.5 Mhz scanheads.
> Also available are an ABBOTT "Vision" chemistry anayyzer,
> a NIKON Model 52 MB slit lamp, and a ZEISS OPMI-99 operating
> microscope.   A LEITZ "Laborlux-11" microscope equipped with
> EPI Fluorescence illuminator is a late arrival.
> These items are all priced for a quick sale with most items
> as low as ten percent of original cost.  All sales are on an
> AS IS basis, FOB our facility in Grosse Pointe, MI.  All of
> the equipment is set up and operating and can be inspected by
> appointment.
> To obtain a list of equipment that is available send email
> and ask for LIST 96116-OT.
> Gil Groehn, General Manager
> 11-28-1996
> ================================================================
> Please respond to our home server:    ad408 at detroit.freenet.org
>                                or:    ultramed at ix.netcom.com
> Phone:  ac 313-884-1139
> ================================================================
> ================================================================
> --
> PLEASE REPLY TO:  ad408 at detroit.freenet.org
>              OR:  ultramed at ix.netcom.com
>         OR CALL:  ac 313 884-1139
> =========================================================
Pleas send me List 96116-OT.  Thanks

Stephen Still

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