Single Thoughts

Jeroen Schaap Schaap at rullf2.medfac.leidenuniv.nl
Wed Dec 4 09:00:59 EST 1996

In article <smisch-0212961250200001 at smisch.tiac.net>,
   smisch at tiac.not (samson.fischkind) wrote:
>Exactly. What you need to do is establish a baseline of some sort. 
>can be taken out of the equation by averaging the results of several
>trials, much like in an EP paradigm.
>_Sounds_ straightforward. Then again, cogito ergo sum...

I would suggest some 'reference thought' and compare its energy demands 
with others. Otherwise you should force a person to have absolutely not 
a single thought for a moment. My guess is that this simple order would 
induce something like a stream of thoughts. 


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