membrane potential class demonstration

Jeroen Schaap Schaap at rullf2.medfac.leidenuniv.nl
Wed Dec 4 09:08:30 EST 1996

In article <58249r$85s at canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca>,
   brent at scrc.umanitoba.ca (Brent Fedirchuk) wrote:
>Kevin Quinn (k-quinn at nwu.edu) wrote:
>: I'm interested in developing an in-class demonstration of the resting
>: membrane potential of a cell and was wondering if anyone has ever
>: developed such a demonstration.  This is for a class in physiological
>using different colored and sized plastic balls (=ions) and a mesh 
or net
>that will allow some through but not others (maybe fishing net??) might 
>a useful aid. Then again, it could be a disaster... but who knows 'til 
>my $.02, good luck

If you want to explain membrane potentials and neuronal firing to your 
pupils, I would suggest to use a neuronal-model-program like Axovacs. 
Let them experiment for some hours with the software, and they'll 
understand a lot more of conductances etc. 
	At least with the computer the succes rate is higher than when 
patching! ;-)


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