art and obdormition

at bigvax.alfred.edu at bigvax.alfred.edu
Tue Dec 3 22:29:46 EST 1996

I was impressed and facinated as I read through the postings of this
group.  As an artist it is something completely new to me.  I am a
graduate student in sculpture and I'm trying to make a chair which will
cause the viewers arms and legs to fall asleep (obdormition).  It is my
understanding that I need to apply pressure to the nerve trunk, but I
don't know where on the arms and legs I should aim (where is the nerve
trunk near the surface?, could it possibly be pushed against a bone?...)
I would very much appreciate any help or suggestions.

Michael Krumrine
e-mail: KRUMRIMT at alfred.bigvax.edu
tel: 607-587-9804

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