Postdoctoral Position

Prof. Issam A. Awad, MD, MSc, FACS issam.awad at yale.edu
Mon Dec 2 08:43:40 EST 1996


Yale University School of Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery
The Neurovascular Surgery Program

Neuroscience-Vascular Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship

Introduction, Research Focus and Programmatic Milieu
The Section of Neurosurgery at Yale University School of Medicine is
seeking an individual for appointment as a postdoctoral research associate
in the Vascular Biology Laboratory of the Neurovascular Surgery Program. 
The laboratory is engaged in investigations into the mechanisms of genesis
and progression of vascular malformations of the central nervous system. 
These lesions include sporadic and familial arteriovenous malformations
(AVMs) and cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs), both representing
important causes of hemorrhagic stroke in man.  Recent work has identified
abnormal angiogenic activity in the pathologic lesions and endothelial
specific genes responsible for their genesis in familial cases.  Ongoing
research includes a molecular dissection of angiogenic activity in human
pathologic issue of brain and vascular malformations excised at surgery,
in cultured endothelial cells from lesions and predisposed hosts, and in
animal models of experimental vascular malformations.  These
investigations interface with an internationally recognized
multidisciplinary Program of integrated research on various facets of
pathobiology of stroke and cerebrovascular disease.  The Program includes
one of the largest clinics in North America dealing with this disease, and
represents a novel and integrative paradigm applying basic molecular and
cellular vascular biology techniques to elucidate mechanisms of a well
defined, prevalent and serious cerebrovascular disease.

Applicant Profile
Interested applicants should have recently completed a doctoral degree in
a field of biological sciences. Previous work in some aspect of vascular
biology or developmental biology is desirable.  The applicant should
demonstrate a working familiarity with the fundamental methods of
molecular and cell biology.  Equally important would be a willingness to
acquire new techniques and methods as dictated by the evolving focus of
the research.  Post-doctoral support will be provided from existing funds
for up to two years, with subsequent support to be derived from
applicant-sought funding and grants generated by ongoing work.  The
individual will be expected to develop the skills and aptitudes of an
independent investigator during the course of the two postdoctoral years,
aiming toward eligibility for a research scientist career track.

Laboratory Profile
Research methodology includes quantitative histologic morphometry
including fluorescent, confocal and electron microscopy,
immunohistochemistry, immuno-electron microscopy, in-situ hybridization,
Northern and Western Blot assays and zymography aiming at molecular
dissection of angiogenic activity and structural and functional vascular
biology in excised pathologic lesions and in experimental vascular
malformations.  Endothelial cell cultures from lesions and human brain of
predisposed hosts are established and assayed for migration, proliferation
and tube formation including 3D cultures and astrocyte-endothelial cell
cocultures aiming at mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in pathologic
lesions and modulation by lesional milieu and extrinsic factors.  Research
is expected to bridge to our molecular genetic investigations of the same
disorders, characterizing gene product expression in lesional tissue and
its functional impact on cultured endothelial cells, transfection of
abnormal genes into control cells and reversal of dysfunction by
transfection of normal genes into pathologic endothelial cells.  Dedicated
laboratory space includes 220 sq.ft. of bench, hood and desk space, fully
equipped for cell cultures, histology and in situ preparations, including
two microscopes and the full range of necessary supplies.  It is adjacent
to 3000sq.ft. of neurosurgical laboratory space including core facilities
for confocal and electron microscopy, ultrastructural morphometry and
ancillary support, senior consultants and collaborators in several
research groups, contributing to a collegial environment with credible
scientific mentoring and career role models.  Productive collaborations
with several other established groups in vascular biology, molecular
genetics and neurobiology at Yale are also strongly encouraged and

Equal Opportunity Statement
Yale University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.  The
Department of Neurosurgery and the Neurovascular Surgery Program are
committed to diversity in all academic and clinical programs.  Women and
members of minority groups are encouraged to apply.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship Inquiries and Applications Should Be Directed To:

Issam A. Awad, MD, MSc, FACS
Professor of Neurosurgery and Head, Neurovascular Surgery Program
Office (203) 737-2096; Fax (203) 785-6916; E-mail ³issam. awad at yale.edu²

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