Edwin Azen wrote:
>> Applications are invited for a researcher with good molecular biology and
> cell culture experience. Transgenic mice experiments with candidate
> taste genes and molecular studies of putative taste-cell receptors in
> cell culture will be done as part of our Taste Program whose members are
> from Departments of Medicine, Medical Genetics, Pharmacology, Animal
> Health and Biomedical Sciences, and Biochemistry. Stipend is $21,000 -
> $23,000. Excellent housing available on and near this beautiful campus.
>> Applicants should send their detailed curriculum vitae and list of
> publications to:
>> Edwin A. Azen
> Dept. of Medicine and Medical Genetics
> 1300 University Ave.
> Madison, WI 53706
> Phone 608/263-7987
> FAX 608/263-4969
> Email azen at vms2.macc.wisc.edu
Presumably work which involves taste will rule out
American applicants from applying ;-)