PhD Wanted...

Paul Watters watters at tasman.cc.utas.edu.au
Mon Jul 31 01:07:14 EST 1995


I am an Honours student in Psychology at the University of Tasmania who is
currently seeking a PhD supervisor / graduate course for the 1996 academic
year onwards. I would be interested in hearing from anybody in the areas
of cognitive neuroscience, brain dynamics, neural nets and cognitive
science. I have set up a WWW home page with all my details and contacts for
further information. I would be interested in hearing from Australian and
overseas researchers. Thanks!

Paul Watters

WWW: http://hiplab.newcastle.edu.au/staff/pwatters/pwatters.html

| Paul A Watters  (watters at utas.edu.au)                                 |
| Department of Psychology, University of Tasmania, AUSTRALIA           |
| Hay un tiempo para cada cosa, y un momento para hacerla bajo el cielo |

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