LTD & LTP References for a layman

Richard Vickery ucgbrmv at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jul 31 09:31:24 EST 1995

In article <mreddy-2507951722180001 at mreddy.comp.glam.ac.uk>, 
mreddy at comp.glamorgan.ac.uk says...

>I was recommended to look up in a computer based medical index the
>terms LTD and LTP.

There are reviews in recent "Annual Reviews of Neuroscience" as well as 
other review journals.  An easily accessible one is in Nature:
Collingridge and Bliss 1993 Nature 361:31-39.  These will provide a kick-off 

Richard Vickery                    \ /     Our Quest is for meaning,
Physiology, UCL (London)          (oVo)    but the Meaning IS the quest.
ph. 44-171-387 7050 x3256         )   (    
ucgbrmv at ucl.ac.uk                  ^ ^     Life's a Hoot!

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