
Stephen Ronan jjj at laraby.tiac.net
Sat Jul 29 22:01:09 EST 1995

>I am wondering if there are people interested in sharing treatment ideas for
>professionals working with individual with autism or PDD.  I am an...

>Gail Slaughter,OTR

I urge you to review the material concerning gluten- and casein-free 
diets posted at the following address:

If you don't have access to the Web, I'd be glad to send you (or anyone 
else) a copy. It's fairly long (in the tens of thousands of kbytes).
The gist of it is that it appears that a sizable subset of individuals 
with autism react adversely to psychoactive peptides present in wheat, 
rye, barley, oats and dairy products (I'm not 100% sure about the oats 
being problematic).

See also: http://www.panix.com/~donwiss/reichelt.html  (try .htm if it 
doesn't work with the .html ending) 

Steve Ronan   jjj at tiac.net

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