Frontal lobes and Mania

Jason Kennerly jkenner at cello.gina.calstate.edu
Sat Jul 29 21:50:24 EST 1995

Disinhibiton resulting from frontal lobe damage... hmmm.. sounds kinda 
like.... uhm... my tagline maybe? hehehe... 

Okay, so has Ritalin/Dexedrine been tried as a treatment for this form of 
disinhibiton??? I can definitly say that SSRI's (Zoloft in my case) 
increase self-control, but not concentration, for me at least. Why? I 
dunno... on Zoloft I don't fly of the handle or get frustrated, but am 
perfectly apt to do whatever... it stems impulse reactions but is useless 
for long-termish goals. Dexedrine/Ritalin on the other hand, while 
controlling anger/whatever, also provide the insight / concentration to 
work towards goals that aren't immiadetly reachable.

Only thing is, these drugs aren't fun at all. I've tried taking them all 
the time and am kinda displeased.... they make me too adult... stopped 
taking the Ritalin ALL THE TIME recently and lemme just say there are a 
lot more laughs now!!! Also less side effects... and the prescribed 
dosage is low (10mg 3x/day)... still too much rit I guess...

     ____   ______  ________ _____
    /    \ |      \|   /\   |     \   jkenner at cello.gina.calstate.edu
   /      \|   _   \   \/   |  _   \  
  /___/\   \___|>   >       |__|>   > BORN TO BE WIRED... 
 /         |       /   /\  |       /  All the sugar and twice the 
 \_________|______/|___\/__|______/   caffeine of regular netusers!

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