royster367 at (Royster367) writes:
>Would anyone have any ideas on possible pharmacologic treatments in a
>patient who exhibits manic symptamatology which resulted from right
>frontal lobe damage? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The usual gang of antimanics and mood stabilizers: Tegretol,
valproate, or lithium. So says a review by Harvey Levin and Marilyn
F. Kraus in the winter '94 issue of _Journal of Neuropsychiatry and
Clinical Neuroscience_. They also say that disinhibition (which I'll
read as roughly equivalent to "manic symptomatology") can be treated
with SSRIs, buspirone, trazodone, and/or high doses of beta-blockers.
Perhaps counterintuitively, there have been reports of success with
dopamine agonists. Neuroleptics should be avoided, say Levin & Kraus,
because neuroleptics can exacerbate symptomatology and slow cortical