sorry- another nutrasweet question.

Anonymous ANONYMOUS.USER at Sunderland.AC.UK
Thu Jul 27 09:51:23 EST 1995

I'm sorry if i set this thread going again with new life from this querry but i'm 

if nutrasweet is so good at inducing seizures and neural damage that airline 
pilots have to be screened and alerted specifically to the dangers of this 
compound, why are other occupations not simmilarly alerted? i have in mind 
bus and, train drivers etc. in fact why dont insurance companies insist on a 
declaration that you dont consume nutrasweet before giving you motor 

after all if its so good at inducing seizures there must be thousands of car 
accidents annually  clearly attributable to its effect due to the wide spread 
consumption of diet drinks world wide especially in countries which have a 
high car usage.  And surely considering insurance companies intence desire to 
avoid paying out for what ever reason or at least blame some one else then 
there should be loads of court cases out standing were this is an issue.

just a though for all you nutrasweet is the cause of all modern illness brigade.


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