Nuclear Test

peter bray pbray at gil.ipswichcity.qld.gov.au
Thu Jul 27 22:08:17 EST 1995

In article <abbiew.806724790 at cortex.physiol.su.oz.au> abbiew at cortex.physiol.su.oz.au (Abbie Widin) writes:
>Xref: iccu6.ipswichcity.qld.gov.au bionet.neuroscience:1499
>Newsgroups: bionet.women-in-bio,bionet.neuroscience
>From: abbiew at cortex.physiol.su.oz.au (Abbie Widin)
>Subject: Re: Nuclear Test
>Message-ID: <abbiew.806724790 at cortex.physiol.su.oz.au>
>Sender: news at physiol.su.OZ.AU (The News System)
>Nntp-Posting-Host: cortex.physiol.su.oz.au
>Organization: Department of Physiology, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
>References: <18745.guenzel at mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de>
><3ug66e$3lp at news.uni-c.dk>
>Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 02:13:10 GMT
>Lines: 88

>begin forwarded mail.
>Here is the letter from the organisers of the nuclear protest chain
>letter - realising they can't handle the volume of data, that a chain
>letter was flawed and hoping this can 'catch up' with the chain letters
>out there - if you sent any on, please read this.

>Also note point 5 and their new mode of address.

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 10:48:29 GMT
>From: Yuichi Nishihara <keshi at uticeaix1.icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
>Subject: This reply is made automatically

>Dear Madames/Sirs,

>   This reply is made automatically.
>   Due to the enormous amount of mails I'm recieving, it is now
>   completely impossible for me to answer to your mail. I have some
>   announcements.

>1. The chain letter, "Stop Nulcear Tests!" is no longer wanted to
>   be distributed. We have changed our method to collect names
>   of people who are against the Nuclear Tests of France. We have
>   opened a WWW site, and names put down using the easy fill out forms
>   on the site will have the first priority. The adress of the WWW site is,

>   http://www.icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~keshi/

>   We have much more information there than we had on the chain letter.
>   We have collected 10378 names from 74 countries/regions by Mon
>Jul. 17.

>2. For those of you who had sent me back the lists, thank you very much
>   for participating in this. We will include your list in our list
>   which is to be sent to Mr. Chirac, but it will not appear as fast
>   as the signs made via WWW. We couldn't help it, but I think there
>   is noone who can manage more than 2000 mails per day. If you want to
>   have your name on the list faster, please try our WWW site. Don't
>   worry about duplications because it is rather easily eliminated by
>   using the sort program. And ofcourse before sending it to Mr. Chirac,
>   it will be very carefully checked.

>3. If you had distributed our chain letter to your friends, thank you
>   for your support, but please try to stop your friends from distributing
>   it further. And also, tell your friends about the WWW site, and
>   tell them to sign via WWW if they want their names on the list.
>   What you should do about the list you have: if you had not yetsent the list
>back to me, please send it back with only the list
>   part with it. That means, please cut the banner and the sentences
>   away.

>4. About the chain letter: after distributing our first chain letter,
>   we have realized there were many problems in our chain letter,
>   and then, that using chain letter was inadequate from the begining.
>   We have sent our second chain letter to go after the first one,
>   since that was the only way we could think of to stop the first
>   one from spreading. However this is not working so well, and now
>   many sites around world is having unnecessarly high traffics
>   and are getting into troubles.
>   We deeply apologize for having started a chain letter. We hearby
>   declare that we will never ever start such thing and also never
>   distribute one when we recieve other chain letters, no matter
>   what the content may be.
>   If you see anywhere anyplace in the network about this chain   letter,
>please tell people that we have realized the inadequateness
>   of our method and trying our best to stop further distributions.

>5. If you had recieved our letter with only "Dear Sirs" on it,
>   we are very sorry about this. It comes from our poor knowlege
>   of English: in Japanese, we don't have differnt ways to call
>   to Men and Women. Those of you who had added "Dear Madames" or
>   changed it to "Dear people" and so on, thank you for your help.
>   To gather many peoples power was from the begining our scheme.

>6. We have already told all our story to our postmaster, and they
>   have understood us. So, it is no use complaining about us to
>   him. We are trying our best to stop what we have started.

>   Sincelery,

>   Yuichi Nishihara
>   Shimizu Seishi

> both Physics student at University of Tokyo.

>end forwarded mail

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