vision in blind people?

Martin Hofmann mih at marley.anu.edu.au
Wed Jul 26 18:33:46 EST 1995

In article <3uh2a1$g6i at netaxs.com>, swallow at netaxs.com (Don Jose) writes:
|> A friend recently asked me about blind people, and how they dream.  I've 
|> read about people who have lost their vision, but I'm wondering if in a 
|> person who is born blind, there are any visual perceptions in the 
|> conventional sense.  Could anybody here point me to a book that might 
|> help? 
Richard Gregory has done work on blind people who recover their sight late
in life and how their vision develops.  It can take quite a long time for
people to learn how to see, so it is hard to imagine how blind people
could incorporate vision in their dreams without previous experience.
However I have not looked at the studies in detail and have not read
anything specifically related to dreams, so who knows.  Anyway perhaps
some of Gregory's books or articles might have pointers to this work.

I would be interested if you could summarise and post/mail the responses.


The world is sacred.  You cannot improve it.	| Martin Hofmann
If you try to change it, you will ruin it.	| Centre for Visual Sciences
If you try to hold it, you will lose it.	| ANU, Canberra
	Lao Tsu, "Tao Te Ching"			| Martin.Hofmann at anu.edu.au

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