Flying w/Neuro disorders

Sox Sox
Wed Jul 26 22:07:34 EST 1995

This is of special interest to me. As well as Jim's response.  She was 
nearly angelic until the final approach where she was upset by having to 
put the tray up.  Then she started crying, which may have changed her 
respirations into the mode mentioned below and it got worse from there--I 
mean LOTS worse.

Does this make sense.  She did not have a seizure, she just got totally 
out of control and as soon as we hit the ground she was fine.

: If this is not just a coincidence, the trigger is likely 
to be
: hyperventilation associated with the drop in cabin pressure.  This results
: in a reduction in blood pCO2, and a decrease in H+ which, in turn, causes
: cerebral vasoconstriction.  That can activate epileptic foci.  I would
: watch for and try to prevent hyperventilation, with oxygen if necessary.

: Eric Wassermann

Thanks to Eric & Jim both for your responses.
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