Darragh Smyth <smyth at zorro> writes:
> I am looking for references, papers, reports etc on the
> data analysis techniques for single cell and multi cell
> recordings of spike trains from the brain.
If you page through the recent issues of Biological Cybernetics or the
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, you'll come across a number of
articles on this topic -- and of course the references in them will
lead you to many more.
> For the single cell stuff, I am particularly interested
> to know of any papers that explain the application of mutual
> information between the visual stimuli and the resulting
> spike trains?
The best-known paper along these lines is the following, though the
methodology employed has turned out to have a few problems:
author = "B. J. Richmond and L. M. Optican",
title = "Temporal encoding of two-dimensional patterns by
single units in primate primary visual cortex: II
Information transmission.",
journal = "J. Neurophysiol.",
year = 1990,
volume = 64,
pages = "370--380"
For more recent work, look for papers by the same authors, together
with John Hertz; also for papers by William Bialek or by Alessandro
Treves and Edmund Rolls. Bialek is preparing a book on this topic,
but I don't know when it will actually be published.
-- Bill