Analysis of Recorded Spike Trains

Loren A. Evey lae2 at psu.edu
Wed Jul 26 02:52:09 EST 1995

In article <3v2pnr$fp3 at server2.rz.uni-leipzig.de>, <smyth at zorro> writes:
> For multi-cell recordings, I am familar with the Konig (1994) 
> paper on the analysis of data for synchronization and 
> oscillations. Does anyone know of any other papers on 
> different methods for measuring the correlation between cell 
> assemblies, and how it changes with time?
You may want to look at recent work by Alloway, et. al..  They are using 
autocorrelation techniques to assess cortical projections and connection 
strength between concurrently isolated single units at different brain 
locations.  Recent pubs in J. Neurophysio.
Loren A. Evey, Ph.D.
The Department of Behavioral Science
The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
The Pennsylvania State University
500 University Drive
P.O. Box 850
Hershey, PA 17033-0850
Voice: 717-531-6920
FAX:   717-531-6916
E-mail: LAE2 at psu.edu
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