Linearly encoded information in the brain

Patrick spangler pat at woodowl.UUCP
Wed Jul 26 06:40:09 EST 1995

> So, my question is, what other areas of the brain involve linearly 
> encoded inputs?  I know that linear inputs in the brain are fairly rare, 
> but there must be others.  Furthermore, has anyone familiar with these 
> other areas of the brain observed a similar "gain field" effect?
> Any advice or pointers to the appropriate literature would be greatly 
> appreciated.
> Mark Meiss
> Indiana University CS Dept.

There are several chapters of gain fields in "The Cognitive 
Neurosciences"  ed. by Michael S. Gazzaniga [MIT Press 1995]
Sorry, I haven't read enough of the book yet to give more details.
patrick.spangler at intellisoft.com

pat at woodowl.UUCP (Patrick spangler)
woodowl!pat at lll-winken.llnl.gov
Woodowl BBS, Livermore, CA

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