Forwarded mail...Re;Sleeping origin

Hernan Lopez Schier hernan at GBL.FCEN.UBA.AR
Tue Jul 25 16:42:47 EST 1995

> I remember finding a few interesting articles last year on medline
> about sleeping.  Unfortunetly, I don't remember the author or journals,
> but the jist of his argument (with some evidence) was that sleeping
> developed at least partially to let our brains cool down at night.  He
> hypothesized that our sleeping is kind of like a lizard (cold-blooded)
> awake.  He went on from there.  It was a bit out there, but quite
> interesting, and sounded a little plausible.
> Look on medline for sleep, birds or chickens or something, reptiles,
> and other similar combinations.
> Eli Meir
> Dept of Zoology, Univ of Washington
> meir at zoology.washington.edu
 Thank you Eli; but I'm interested mainly in discussing this topic rather
than know about published material (I'm not so sure about the results of
the papers I had read about it).

What do you think was the first animal in develop something like sleep?
Which experimental strategy you think convenient in order to study this

Thank you very much.

Hernan Lopez Schier
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires 
hernan at cinf.bl.fcen.uba.ar

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