We would like to announce the beta version of a mesh generator which
converts from Eutectic datafiles to Custom/Genesis/Neuron scripts.
The mesh generator takes Eutectic files as inputs.
The outputs include:
options to format the connectivity/radius/length info as
custom, Genesis, or Neuron files
a geometry file for GL graphics
L per compartment
L from soma
distance (in cm) from soma
topology (graph) data
Features include:
Error checking for
- unrecognized point types
- reordering of *TO/*AE points when multiple
slides were needed for tracing the
complete cell
- duplicate coordinates which can generate
zero values for length
- tree balance verification (*TO/NE/BP errors which
arise when users edit their eutectic files)
User defined mesh criteria for Rm, Ri, max L, max radius
Statistics on the average L, max L, min L, max distance
Implements Hines renumbering of the compartments
Implements Eichler West renumbering, which is a method that I have
developed to minimize banding
Statistics on the Eichler West renumbering, including the savings
in time and number of calculations required
I am just learning Genesis and Neuron, so the only weak part of the code
is the formatted output for genesis/neuron scripts.
Due to my relative inexperience with these simulators, I would like to
solicit some expert GENESIS/NEURON users as beta testers to provide
suggestions for the most useful organization of the script files.
If you would be interested in beta testing, please respond via email.
rogene at lenti.med.umn.edu
Rogene M. Eichler West
U of Minnesota