I hope this is the right forum for this...
About 5 weeks ago I had the flu - nothing out of the ordinary. However
ever since then, my brain does not seem to be producing neurochemicals
correctly. When I am happy or sad, I am only in that state psychologically,
I do not "feel" happy or sad. Similarly I do not feel tense in times of
excitement or stress, although I have the usual physiological responses
such as increased heartbeat, rapid breathing. Also during sex, orgasm
does not produce the same ecstasy as usual, but again the normal
physiological processes occur.
It is as though I no longer have emotions. It is very worrying (although
I do not feel worried). I do not seem to have any headaches
What could be wrong with me?
Replies by email preferred, thanks
Any help much appreciated
Ralph Sunley | "The Path of Excess leads to
Commerce Department | the Tower of Wisdom"
Murdoch Uni Perth WA | - W. Blake : Enigma MCMXC a.d.
>>>sunley at csuvax1.murdoch.edu.au<<<