Scleroderma Research

JuneKK junekk at aol.com
Tue Jul 25 06:26:46 EST 1995

This is a re-post:

What are the current clinical therapies suggested for advanced
scleroderma?  What about experimental therapies or research trends to
treat/understand this disease?  This is out of my field of expertise--any
information would be appreciated.

The person in question is a 65 year old woman with advanced stage
scleroderma, left ventricular hypertrophy, high blood pressure, GI
infection (leading to weight loss), poor respiratory function (due to
progression of scleroderma). 

The layman's description of her only apparent clinical recourse is to
undergo the insertion of some sort of catheter (?) to her lungs to
administer medication to treat debilitative cardiopulmonary function. 

Quick responses (here or by direct e-mail) would be appreciated.  Thanks.

June Kume-Kick, Ph.D.

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